Everybody loves a little card in the mail once in a while. What if you could print your own note cards just like the ones in my shop?
Well, now you can! I have added a section in the shop here on my website and on my Etsy site for digital downloads. I have added the files for several of my farm animal note cards so that people can download the PDF and print their own! No more paying for shipping or waiting for them to come in the mail. Instant and printable – so convenient!
If you want to check them out, try one for free!
Here is a link to get your FREE PRINTABLE DOWNLOAD for my “Bright Flowers” note cards!

The file will look like this. As you can see, there are two cards on each sheet of paper. When you cut it in half, there will be a card on each half. Carefully fold each card in half, and voila – you have note cards!
Be sure to take a look at the other digital downloads in the shop on this website or in my Etsy shop! It is a great time because they are 20% off until the end of September!