New Artwork

I’ve been working on a pet portrait of a sweet cat, and it is finally finished and with its new owner. I took progress shots as I went along, so I thought I would make a little slideshow to show how the painting progressed. Here it is:

Here are the progress shots that are shown in the video. I hope you enjoy seeing how this beautiful cat looked along the way!

I’ve Discovered Digital Art!

I used to think that digital artwork was really not art. I know, I know, what was I thinking, right? I do think there can be some truth in that statement, but I have come to the conclusion that it is not always the case.

Sure, digital art apps and computer programs have a lot of filters and ways to manipulate the pictures and create the illusion that the one who “created” it is truly an artist. BUT….I have discovered that is also possible to actually create original artwork using some of these same computer apps and programs. I do need to explain here that the original artwork I am referring to doesn’t use the fancy filters and “computer-made” effects, just colors and digital brushes.

A few weeks ago, I bought an Apple Pencil and the Procreate app to use with my iPad. The discovery of these tools has been a game changer for me. I can sit in my recliner and draw and “paint” to my heart’s content without making any kind of mess. I know you are thinking that it is still not the same as painting with actual paints, and I would definitely agree. For sure, there is the aspect of manipulating the art materials (paints, pastels, pens, etc.) that is missing when you create digitally. I will absolutely keep on using the real art supplies and materials, but making artwork digitally is certainly a great compromise, especially when I don’t have a lot of time or am not in a place that lends itself to making a mess.

I have had some fun with some of the different effects that can be done in the Procreate app, but I have also done a few pieces that I would qualify as actual artwork. Here are several of those digital paintings.

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We’re Having a Sale!

I have exciting news! If you have been thinking about a custom portrait or pet portrait, NOW IS THE TIME!

From now until the end of September, ALL CUSTOM PORTRAITS AND PET PORTRAITS ARE 20% OFF!!

It is now possible to purchase a custom portrait or pet portrait online from this website, or you can fill out the form on the Commission and Price Information page and I will contact you about your very own custom painting.

How cool is that?

Dog Trouble

I have some advice for my fellow painters. When you finish painting for the day, place your painting where your dog can not reach it.

When I finished painting the other day, I set my painting near the window in my living room, in the same place I have put it every time I have worked on it. I came home today and discovered that one of my dogs, probably Hooch, has pierced the canvas with his claws. He must have seen something outside and jumped up on the windowsill, at exactly the place where my painting was resting next to the wall. You can see the damage in the pictures.

I guess I will be starting over…

This is Hooch (the big brown one laying on top of my husband) on a day that he WASN’T trying to chase something out the window.